Sitam Naseeb Novel By Malik Safdar Hayat Pdf

Book Name: Sitam Naseeb Novel

Writer: Malik Safdar Hayat


Malik Safdar Hayat is the author of the book Sitam Naseeb Novel Pdf. The author of the book is an ex-police officer. Malik Safdar Hayat has been an active part during British rule in United India. He wrote many excellent books and stories, which earned him the title of a great story writer and fiction writer.

The book Sitam Naseeb Novel Pdf is another suspense base story of a police officer. He falls in love with a young beautiful girl who urged him for crimes. This police officer does crimes for the sake of his lover. At least, he stopped all these things, which turned into a consequence strategic death of the man. It is a thriller, action, and suspenseful story.

I hope you will like the book Sitam Naseeb Novel Pdf by Malik Safdar Hayat and share it with your friends. Here on our site, you can download the novels of Malik Safdar Hayat in Pdf. You can also read Jurm Bay Gunahi NovelKarwan Apna Novel and Fitna Gar Novel. If you like, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about fresh book posts.

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