Deewan e Zauq by Ibraheem Zauq Pdf

Book Name: Deewan e Zauq

Writer: Muhammad Ibraheem Zauq


Muhammad Ibraheem Zauq is the author of the book Deewan e Zauq. The book’s author has significant fame in the mid of the Mughal rule. Muhammad Ibraheem Zauq was a teacher and a great poet of Urdu. Bahadur Shah Zafar learned many things from him and was Ghalib’s contemporary poet. Many people of that era gave him much preference over Ghalib Mirza.

The book Deewan e Zauq is the best collection of his poetry. It is a collection of Makhmas, Ghazals, and Qasidas. Because Ibraheem Zauq was one of the greatest Urdu poets, he proved it by remaining in the court of Bahadur Shah. At that time, Persian and Hindi were the primary languages, but he introduced a new one in poetry. Moreover, his poetry brought him to the best Urdu poets of history. I hope you will like Deewan e Zauq Pdf and share it with your social media friends.

Here on our website, You can download the Muhammad Ibraheem Zauq books in pdf format. You can also read Kulliyat e Hafeez Taib. Like our social media pages or subscribe to our site for more posts and instant updates through your mailbox.

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